Aspects Of The Conveyancing Process
Legislation gives purchasers of residential property in NSW the opportunity to seek legal advice before they bind themselves in buying property. That is done under a mechanism that gives them five days after the date of their purchase contract to end that contract and to get back the bulk of their deposit under that contract.
In my practice of NSW conveyancing law, I come across relatively few instances where clients avail themselves of their so-called cooling-off rights. In other words, most purchaser clients seek my legal advice before they enter into the contract.
In Queensland, where purchasers have similar cooling-off rights, it seems that the practice is quite the opposite. Many purchasers of Queensland property enter into the contract first, and if after taking advice they then decide to end the contract within the cooling-off period, they exercise their rights accordingly.
Each approach has its benefits and drawbacks.
I am most pleased to advise my clients on these and all other legal and conveyancing aspects of purchases they propose to make, whether the property is here in NSW or in Queensland.