Growth By Michael Adendorff Executive Committee Member
This week I write about growth, not only as a concept, but also growth in our local economy. My inspiration is the Coffs Chamber’s support for local economic growth, that I see so much good local economic growth even in tough times, that my own legal business is steadily growing and a debate between Adam Posen and Tim Jackson, which I read about in the 1 August 2015 edition of The Economist under the heading “Debate … The Case for slower growth”.
There the question is posed whether aiming for minimal growth would be a disaster or a blessing. As I read it the pro disaster argument is that it is natural to grow and that when an economy is not growing, something is wrong. Broadly, the pro blessing argument is that recent and unprecedented ramping up of economic activity is at odds with the ecological constraints of a finite planet. Under that argument, we are compelled to question growth.
Now, some would say that here in the Coffs Harbour economy there are too many who question growth, too many detractors. And yes, there are detractors who argue passionately or believe, maybe without speaking out, that aiming for and indeed achieving minimal growth is a blessing. Notwithstanding, we all see how the local economy grows and as I view things, we as a community are getting growth mostly right. Even those who put on the brakes are helping to keep the speed of growth manageable. Only sometimes, the result of too much procrastination can be that decisions are made not by, but for our local community, at the risk of an unsuitable outcome for many. Thankfully, those developments, most recent example the new Justice precinct I believe has not let us down. So, let’s keep up the good work, stand by our views, whatever they are, because clearly we have something good going here in the place we call home, Coffs Harbour.
If you want to be part of the debate, of growth, please call Garth Shipperlee, Coffs Harbour Chamber’s Executive Officer on 6651 4101 about membership.